Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Job update

Wow! What a great first day on the job. There is so much that you do. And man the time just flies. I worked an 8 1/2 hour day but it felt like a lot less. I got there at 10 am this morning and was given like a half hour introduction and was basically thrown right in. They have all sorts of ways of packaging and shipping medicines. The first job I did was to count the medicine and then package it in little boxes. Then the pharmacist checks it and puts it in the totes and the shipping guys come and take it away. The second job I did was put pills in these little containers and seal the backing in the "cookers". The cookers are machines that use extreme heat to adhese the backing on the containers. After that you apply the rx label and the pharmacist checks it. I also did stocking. And like I said in my previous post I get to wear jeans and t-shirts. AND the big thing is that I don't have to work every other weekend. I work 2 on and 2 off which means that I still get to do Children's Church! And their operating hours aren't 8-5 like I thought. You don't go home until the work is DONE. Which means I could end up working a 12 hour day if we are extremely busy. That's ok since I'll be getting paid for my regular hours and then overtime. I like the place and I feel like I belong there. Everyone is pretty nice and I don't feel out of place. I know it's only my first day, but I have a feeling I'm really going to like it. Thank you God! And thank you all for your prayers and support!


Bek said...

yeah for a great first day! and is caleb home??

Christy said...

Hey there.. I got here from no average girls blog.. I enjoyed reading your blog.. I too just began working again.. hope you have a great week! GOd Bless you!

Crystal said...

Hey Christy! Glad you stopped by! Bek, Caleb won't be home for another 9 days :(. Oh well, they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. And I'm already very fond of him :).

Donna said...

Hope things continue to go good Crystal!

no_average_girl said...

that's awesome! i'm so glad to hear things are working out for you - and that you can still keep your commitments to children's church! :-)

Kimber said...

I am so gald to hear that the job is going so well :) YEA!

It is so true that absence makes the heart grow fonder - hope you guys have a fun reunion ;)

Kat said...

YEA!!!! Thank God for new jobs -- and places where you fit in :)


Radical One said...

hey girl. thanks for your thoughts and prayers over the past few weeks.

and hope the new job is going well.


Anonymous said...

Nothing better than loving your work:)

Be blessed

Debbie AKA Senora Maestra

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

So how are you enjoying the new job?

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come again!

Crystal said...

I'm lovin' it Bonnie! Thanks for asking!