Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ALMOST fully recovered

Well, I'm almost all better. I've been really sick for the last week. I have an ear infection and laryngitis (which by the way, my new nickname at school is Minnie). I've been drugged up on nyquil, cough drops, and amoxicillin. I haven't been sick in a year and a half. But I guess the good news is that I won't get sick when it really hits, which may very well be pretty soon. The last time I was sick like this was 2 or 3 years ago. I've had the occasional "icky bug" but for the last week it has felt like I was dying. But I pulled through, didn't miss a day of work, passed my last 2 tests in school, and I'm finally getting rid of this horrible infection! I guess the reason why I'm posting this is because in my day to day life, I take my overall pretty good health for granted. I don't take the time I should to thank God for it. Last night was the first night in the last almost week that I got a full night's sleep. It's funny how one of the most common illnesses in the world can cause you to be the most miserable. It accounts for thousands of missed work days every year. And it can cause you to be down for days. The common cold. Which is probably going to rear its ugly little head soon. So remember take your vitamins, exercise, and eat healthy. And also remember to thank God. For the health that you have. For your family's health. And if you do get sick call me. I'll pray for you!


Kimber said...

So glad you are feeling better girly!! Keep resting as much as possible!! Thinkin of ya :)

Margo said...

Glad you're on the upswing, Crystal! Aren't ear infections just the worst!!?

BekABoo said...

I'm glad you're recovering. My hubby is trying to shake the last of his cold, too. Still coughing. I am the same way, though, about taking my health for granted. I really don't take very good care of myself, and rarely have to pay for it. When I do, it's a doozy, too! I will try to take your advice and take better care of myself ;) Keep feeling better!

Meggles said...

Glad you are starting to feel better. Its no fun being sick.

Get your rest and sleep.

Kimber said...

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving :)