Tuesday, May 08, 2007

It's over!

Yay! The test that I've been dreading for weeks is now over. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I know I passed it. That's all I want. After I recieve my certification, I'm thinking of applying to the field of oral surgery. Remember in one of my posts where I felt that God was leading me toward a surgical field? Well, I got my answer of what He wants me to do the other night. It felt like He wanted me to have a great schedule (which surgical assistants in hospitals do not have, but dental assistants do) but to go for something surgical. I found out that oral surgery assistants are also called dental surgical assistants. Cool! So I get to do something in the field of my choice and still do what God wants for my life. It's nice to have clear answers. So now I'm just finishing up the last details of school and my externship. I JUST WANT TO BE DONE SO BAD. When I start working, Caleb and I will then be able to start talking more about the future (e.g., house, kids, etc.). I really do see a great future for us. I guess I just need to be a little more patient =).


Margo said...

It's so hard to be patient sometimes! I'm really glad things are working out and falling into place for you guys, Crystal! I hope you keep this blog up long enough so that I can follow you through that first pregnancy! :-)

Bek said...

and enjoy the journey. enjoy the now. :) you'll never get these days back.....