Friday, July 27, 2007

I have some news...

No, I am not pregnant LOL. But I do have some good news for you. As you all know, I've been trying to find a dental assisting job. Well, after months of searching and only getting interviewed by dentists who treat you like crap, I finally kind of gave up. Yesterday, Caleb and I were talking. The Holy Spirit has been trying to speak to me about His career choice for me. I would only block out his voice and tell myself "No, I need a job where I have a degree in something and I make a lot of money". This is the conversation between Caleb and I yesterday.

Caleb: Honey, do you like dental assisting?
Me: No.
Caleb: Do you want to make this your career?
Me: I don't think so.
Caleb: Then why are you doing this? Don't you want to be doing something you love?
Me: Of course.
Caleb: Then go for something you love.

Caleb had suggested childcare. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. That's what I should do! I babysit for a ton of friends and family and I'm in Children's Church almost every Sunday and I love it. So, today I started looking. I went online and found an ad for a full time job as a childcare provider for ages 9 to 18 months (my favorite age by the way) and called the number. As soon as the manager heard how much experience I had with kids she told me to come in right away. So I went in, filled out an application, gave her my resume and spent about an hour with the infants/toddlers. She wanted to see how the kids and I got along. Then she took me downstairs and said she would be calling me tonight. About 6:30 pm she called. And she offered me the job! I was so excited, I literally started jumping up and down for joy. Less than 24 hours after I made the decision to go into childcare, I land a job. A great job. And you know what the best part is? After 90 days of being there, I will making more than I would as a dental assistant! And besides, what's better than starting your day with a bunch of little smiling faces? So, let's take another look shall we?

1. Landed a job in less than 24 hours after making a decision to go into my new chosen field.
2. In 3 months, I will be earning more as a daycare provider than any dental assistant position I accepted.
and 3. I will be doing what I love AND getting paid for it.

That's GOD!


Drea said...

THATS AWESOME! I really beleive soem of the best moms arent actually moms .. but their hearts are so motherly! you can really bless a family w/ that love just as much as you could with your own. So im so happy for you! You should post pics of you at work ;-) ::if the familys ok with that::

Donna said...

Hope it all works out!

Kat said...

That is truly wonderful!! Good for you : )

Margo said...

woo hoo!!! Glad for you!

BekABoo said...

Amen, sweetie! I was just commenting to someone else, tonight, wondering where I'd be if I'd always gotten what I thought I wanted. I'd never have met my husband if that were the case! God definitly knows what He's doing!